Frequently Asked Questions
Please note that some information might be different under Covid restrictions. However, we will inform you of any changes as and when they arise.
What does my child need for school each day?
Please provide a suitable coat for all weathers as children have access to the outdoors everyday. They will need a book bag to carry their books, pictures, letters etc. Toys from home are not allowed as we don’t want them to get lost or broken. F2 will need their PE kit in all week - this should be left on their pegs. They may bring tap water in a school water bottle. PE bags, book bags, and water bottles are all available from the office. If you think your child may need a change of clothes during the day, please keep these in their PE bags or in a small bag on their peg. Children do not require their own pencil cases or stationary and we do not allow any other large bags on pegs due to space restrictions.
Does my child need to bring a drink or snack to school?
We encourage children to bring a drink to school in a school water bottle each day, this should be plain tap water (no juice or squash), please make sure the bottles are named, these bottles can be accessed throughout the day. A piece of fruit is provided for a morning snack (children do not require their own snack), and milk is provided if you sign up for the milk scheme (this information will be in your registration pack).
What happens at drop off?
Classroom doors open at 8:35am and the school day begins promptly at 8:45am - please arrive between these times. Children can leave their book bags in the boxes outside and their water bottles and lunch boxes on the trolley outside. Feel free to bring your child into class and help them select their first activity of the day. If you have any letters or messages leave them with the member of staff who is manning the door. If your child is upset feel free to stay with them for a short time, or leave them with us, this is quite normal to begin with and we will get back to you to let you know they have settled.
What about lunch?
You do not need to order in advance. Bring a lunch box on the days that your child wants sandwiches, otherwise we will order a dinner that day if one isn’t provided - menus are available on the school website.
Foundation Staff will stay and help the children cut up their food etc to begin with and they will have a named midday supervisor to help them also. Children will get an outdoor play after their lunch. If your child is in F1 and stays all day, you will need to pay for a lunch.
What happens at pick up time?
School officially finishes at 3:30pm. Foundation Stage open their doors at 3:20pm for parents to begin picking up. For safety reasons please do not just take your child, wait for the member of staff to hand them over to you so we are sure they have been collected safely. If anyone different is picking your child up please let us know in the morning or phone the school office, as we cannot let children leave with anyone different unless informed. If you have a regular arrangement such as a child minder or grandparent just let us know at the start of term.
Tell me about PE
F2 change into their PE kit once a week, F1 children get regular active time, though do not regularly change into a PE kit so this not required for them. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed please.
Do the children get homework?
We encourage children to read at home everyday. We also provide weekly challenges, which consolidate our weekly learning. We always provide a round up of our week so you know what we’ve been up to and can follow any up you wish to at home.
How do I find out how my child is getting on?
We offer an open door policy here at Wynndale so feel free to chat with any of us at anytime, after school is usually an easier time for us to speak to you, or make a time with us to have a chat.
We also offer stay and play sessions termly, where you can come in and see your child in the setting and talk to us. We offer our formal parent/teacher consultations twice a year and you will receive an end of year report for your child. We have recently started using 'teams' as a parent/ teacher communication, so look out for information about this as your child starts school.
Are there any other things I should remember?
- Please make sure ALL clothing is named, especially cardigans and jumpers as these get mixed up very easily.
- At the start of term make sure lunchboxes are named and your child know which belongs to them.
- If your child is ill please phone school first thing in the morning so we know they aren’t attending.
- We encourage dental/medical appointments to be outside school time, but if it is necessary please let the school office know in advance, please provide your letter or appointment card.
- We are always grateful for donations of spare boxes, newspapers and carrier bags.
- Follow us on twitter- keep up to date with what we’ve been up to: