Whole School
Panto - December 2023
Reading Volunteers
Threadworms - Advice & Information
After School Provision at Wynndale
Apply for free school meals
Could you be eligible for free school meals?
We want to make sure as many eligible pupils as possible are claiming their free school meals. We use the Department for Education's free school meals eligibility checking system to determine eligibility.
To apply, you will need to register and provide:
- your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
- your last name
- your date of birth
Please register here and apply now. If you are unable to apply online please contact us on 0300 500 80 80.
Head Lice
Photo, Twitter & Direct Marketing Consent Form
CCTV Enforcement Car
Introduction of Penalty Notices for Holidays During Term Time
School Council: Parking & Cars Around School
Zones of Regulation
Reminder Regarding Dogs
Please note that dogs are not allowed on the school site. They must be kept on a lead at all times and are not allowed in the school playground.
If you are waiting near the school gates with a dog on lead, please be mindful of social distancing rules and do not block access to the gates or allow your dog to jump at other people.
Many thanks for keeping our school community safe.