School Uniform
Our school uniform with the school logo on is available online from
It is not essential to have the logo and so any red jumpers/cardigans available from other stores are absolutely fine. We are hoping to set up a 2nd hand uniform shop which will be run by our Parent Group.
The Governors of Wynndale Primary School want to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils and strongly believe school uniform:
- promotes the ethos of the school
- provides a sense of belonging and identity
- sets an appropriate tone for education
The link for ordering is here: just type Wynndale in the search box for items available to order.
Please make sure all uniform is named, so it can be easily returned to your child if they misplace it.
Our Wynndale uniform comprises of:
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
- White shirt or blouse or polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt/jumper or cardigan
- Red gingham checked dress for summer (optional)
- Red Fleece (For outdoor use only-optional)
- Black sensible school shoes (not black trainers)
- White or grey socks
- Black or grey tights
- School reading folder/book bag
- Draw string PE bag
- A school water bottle or a clear water bottle
Please do not send children into school with larger bags as they do not fit in the trays and storage space in cloakrooms is minimal.
Our PE Kit comprises of:
- White T shirt & black shorts for indoor PE
- Plimsolls or trainers for outdoor PE
- Additional tops/joggers will be needed in cold weather
- Jewellery should not be worn (If children do have pierced ears, only stud earrings can be worn and must be removed on PE days)
- Long hair (Shoulder length) should always be tied back on PE days
No make-up or nail varnish should be worn for school and children should not come to school wearing temporary tattoos.
The only jewellery that should be worn for school is a pair of stud earrings and a watch.