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Wynndale Primary School

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School Meals

School Menu Autumn/Winter 24-25

Online Payment for School Meals

You can pay for school meals online via School Gateway

Apply for free school meals

Could you be eligible for free school meals?

We want to make sure as many eligible pupils as possible are claiming their free school meals. We use the Department for Education's free school meals eligibility checking system to determine eligibility.

To apply, you will need to register and provide:

  • your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
  • your last name
  • your date of birth

Please register here and apply now. If you are unable to apply online please contact us on 0300 500 80 80.

Nottinghamshire County Council Free School Meals

What about food and drink in school?

We endeavour to be a Healthy School at Wynndale. Promoting physical health, as well as emotional and mental health and well-being is integral to our ethos and curriculum across school, and we teach children about this from the very beginning of our learning journey with us.

We ask that families support us with encouraging children to make healthy choices by adhering to the following guidelines:

Water: we encourage children to have their school water bottle with them every day. We provide bottles which are durable, transparent and able to be named so that children do not use each other’s bottle. We ask that they are bought home each night and washed and refilled the next day. Children can refill them at school during the day, as they need. We expect that children have only water in their water bottle – not juice, flavoured water or fizzy drinks.

Morning break: Children in Full Time Foundation Stage and Years One and Two are provided with a piece of fruit every day for their morning snack. We require children at Key Stage Two, to continue to bring fruit or a healthy snack. Sweets, chocolate and crisps etc. are not allowed in school to be consumed during play time.

Lunchtime: Children in Full Time Foundation Stage and Years One and Two, are provided with a free cooked meal every day which is cooked on site. Children accessing 30 hours’ provision in F1 may purchase a school lunch. We do hope that all children will take this offer up.

We encourage children at Key Stage Two to continue to have a cooked school meal, although this has to be paid for. If children of any age prefer to bring their own healthy packed lunch they may do so. Again, chocolate, and sweets are not part of healthy lunches.

Water is available at lunchtimes on all tables so there is no need to send in extra sugary drinks with packed lunches.

