At Wynndale Primary School we recognise that geography should develop a child’s natural curiosity and fascination about the world, leading to a greater understanding of its places, its people, and a greater awareness of their own place in it. It should help to provoke and provide answers to questions about both natural and human aspects of the world.
Our aim at Wynndale is to:
- Explore by investigating where places are and what they are like, both in Britain and the wider world, through fieldwork and classroom study, therefore developing their geographical knowledge and vocabulary
- Inspire by developing an understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected
- Spark by igniting a genuine interest in the subject and a real sense of curiosity about the world and the people who live here.
- Deepen by encouraging complex, geographical enquiry and the ability to apply questioning skills, reach clear conclusions, explain their findings and develop effect presentation techniques. They should be able to express well-balanced opinions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current issues in society and the environment
A geographer leaving Wynndale will be curious and fascinated about the world and its people. They will have investigated a range of places – both in Britain and abroad – to help develop their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. They will have had opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Mansfield and Nottinghamshire, so that they can develop of real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special. They will also have developed the ability to apply geographical skills and be able to confidently communicate their findings and geographical understanding to a range of audiences.
Through high quality teaching, we will develop the essential characteristics of geographers, through carefully planned units of work, that allow depth in learning. Identified key skills and knowledge will ensure progression. Children will be asked to build on previous learning and apply this knowledge as they move forwards. This will enable them to develop a real understanding of the subject and make strong links to other curriculum areas.
As a school, we follow our skills and progression document for geography, devised from National Curriculum guidelines. This ensures all aspects, knowledge and skills of geography are being taught across all year groups. Our curriculum is taught in termly topics, geography being taught mainly in spring. Other natural links to geography will be made, where relevant, in the other two terms. Each class is committed to at least one hour of geography per week during Spring Term. Teachers are encouraged to consider opportunities available to use the school grounds and the local area for investigation and fieldwork. We are passionate about developing knowledge, understanding and skills through children being outside and enjoying the geography around them. Educational visits and other memorable experiences are also encouraged to enable children to gain real-life experiences and apply skills practically.
To add to this experience, all classrooms have immersive environments and displays that provide a hook into learning and continue to engage the children.
Each classroom displays a Learning Journey working wall linked to the geography theme.
Each class has a Knowledge Organiser that is shared with both children and families.
Each class has specific key vocabulary displayed.
At the beginning of the term all children start with an introduction to the key roles of being a Geographer.
Where appropriate, we make cross-curricular links and children are given opportunities to recall previous learning, strengthening their long-term memory.
Teachers are expected to know what has been taught previously as well as having a secure understanding of what needs to be taught in their current year.
We will use ongoing formative assessment to ensure all lessons are relevant and which will help to plan for next steps. End of year assessments will state whether children are working towards, expected or exceeding age-related expectations.
Our Subject Leadership Team will be given regular time to use our triangulation model to ensure quality of teaching and learning. They will monitor the subject across the school through deep dives. This might include learning walks, book scrutiny, discussions with pupils, resource audits, creation of action plans and subject feedback as appropriate.
Through the high quality first teaching of geography taking place we will see:
- Children who are engaged and excited geographers, with developed geographical knowledge and skills to enable them to explore, navigate and understand the world around them.
- Engaging lessons will develop inquisitive learners who aspire to research and explore new learning further.
- Children who are geographers, developing skills that give meaning to their lives today and can influence the decisions they make in their lives in the future.
- Children who can make links to prior learning and connections to other areas of the curriculum.
- Children who are adding ‘Sticky Knowledge’ to their long-term memory and who are able to talk confidently about the skills and knowledge they have acquired. Work will display the range of topics covered and clear cross-curricular links.
- Children who will complete research independently to further their own enjoyment about the subject or topic. • A school environment that is geography rich through use of the outdoor environment, displays, resources, vocabulary etc.
- Assessments and monitoring that show high standards in geography.