At Wynndale Primary School we recognise that history is about the study of ancient, modern and current times, encouraging deep thinking, investigation, the asking of questions and the forming of opinions.
Our aim at Wynndale is to
- Explore by immersing children into given periods of time so that the impact of historical events and change can be witnessed.
- Inspire by developing empathy for people and the situations in which they found themselves, alongside an understanding of everyday life and significant events. Through this they will gain an awareness of how the past has shaped the world we live in today.
- Spark by igniting interest, enthusiasm and curiosity through immersion, creating the desire to find out more
- Deepen by encouraging them to carry out historical research they will enhance understanding and to foster the confidence to ask challenging questions that takes their learning forwards. This will lead to analysis, reflection and the forming of their own opinions.
A historian leaving Wynndale will be knowledgeable about the past and historical change. They will have a passion and a curiosity to question and investigate further. They will have the opportunity, through their learning and through discussion, to form and voice their own opinions. They will be adept at using primary and secondary sources, including the exploration of different artefacts to support their thinking. A chronological timeline will be used from the earliest times to the present day and children will place themselves and the different periods studied where they fit.
Units of learning will be based on a deep understanding of ancient, modern and current history, highlighting significant individuals and events. They will be aware how events had an impact on everyday life and make links and observations between given eras. As historians they will develop a high-level understanding and use of specific vocabulary and historical terminology. This will enable them to properly explain what they have learned in relation to change, cause, similarities and differences.
As a school, we follow our skills and progression document for history, devised from National Curriculum guidelines. This ensures all aspects, knowledge and skills of history are being taught across all year groups.
Our curriculum is taught in termly topics, history being taught mainly in Autumn. Other natural links to history will be made, where relevant, in the following two terms, especially in summer where we look at different aspects of local history.
Each class is committed to at least one hour of history per week.
Where appropriate, we use historical artefacts and memorable experiences to enhance learning. This might include visitors, workshops and visits to excite and intrigue our children to find out more about events and people from the past.
To add to this experience, all classrooms have immersive environments and displays that provide a hook into learning and continue to engage the children.
Each classroom displays a Learning Journey working wall and a timeline that shows key dates.
Each class has a Knowledge Organiser that is shared with both children and families.
Each class has specific key vocabulary displayed.
At the beginning of the term all children start with an introduction to the key roles of being an Historian. These are Detective, Story Teller, Judge and Philosopher. Through lessons, designed around these key roles, we aim to give our children as much understanding as possible about what is was like to be around at a particular period in history.
We will use ongoing formative assessment to ensure all lessons are relevant and which will help to plan for next steps. End of year assessments will state whether children are working towards, expected or exceeding age-related expectations.
Our Subject Leadership Team will be given regular time to use our triangulation model to ensure quality of teaching and learning. They will monitor the subject across the school through deep dives. This might include learning walks, book scrutiny, discussions with pupils, resource audits, creation of action plans and subject feedback as appropriate.
Through the high quality first teaching of history taking place we will see:
Children who are engaged and excited historians, with a developed sense of empathy and respect for people both past and present.
Children who will learn lessons from history and understand that history gives meaning to their lives today and can influence the decisions they make in their lives in the future
Children who are historians with skills as Detectives, Story Tellers, Judges and Philosophers.
Children who can make links to prior learning and connections to other areas of the curriculum.
Children who are adding ‘Sticky Knowledge’ to their long-term memory and who are able to talk about the skills and knowledge they have acquired.
Children who will complete research independently to further their own enjoyment about the subject or topic.
A school environment that is history rich through displays, resources, vocabulary etc.
Assessments and monitoring that show high standards in history.